Paulo was born in Mozambique in 1971 to Portuguese parents. Raised in South Africa until the age of 21, he studied Civil Engineering after graduating and in 1992, he moved to Portugal to continue his studies at ISEP Porto. Regrettably, he was forced to abandon his career following a work-related accident.
He has undergone two lower back surgeries, the most recent of which was a lower back fusion, and has lived with chronic pain for the last eight years.
As suggested by his Neuropsychologist Dr Miguel Coutinho (Algarve Private Hospital), art was incorporated into his recovery as a stimulant and relaxation tool. The positive and effective benefits provide much-needed relief when used in conjunction with other pain management tools.
His work has been described as colourfully dark yet uplifting and his diverse collection demonstrates a lack of stylistic continuity.The creative process is cathartic for him, as he allows his emotions to spill out onto the canvas in search of solace.

Paulo Araújo
“My work is intuitive and stems from a place of chronic pain and an ongoing search for comfort and thus becomes both automatic and emotional”